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Pest Control: 6 Not-So-Secrets to Keeping Summer Insects Out of Your Home

Summer is in full swing, and while the sunshine brings a lot of outdoor fun, it also invites those not-so-welcome guests: insects. But don't worry, I've got you covered with some tried-and-true advice to keep those pesky critters outside where they belong.

Seal the Deal

First things first, let's make sure those bugs can't find a way in. Check your screens for tears and patch them up. Seal any gaps in your windows and doors with weather stripping or caulk. It's like setting boundaries – make it clear that uninvited guests can’t just waltz in.

Cleanliness is Key

A clean home is your first line of defense. Crumbs and sticky spills are like a five-star bug hotel. So, regular sweeping, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces can really make a difference. And don’t forget to take out the trash regularly – it’s less work than dealing with ants on a sugar high!

Standing Water No More

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so let's cut off their love nest. Check your property for any water that’s just hanging out – plant saucers, clogged gutters, and even pet water bowls can become mosquito maternity wards. Keep it dry, and they’ll have to move on to the neighbor's yard (just kidding… sort of).

Natural Repellents

I love a good natural solution. Certain plants are like the bouncers of the bug world – they just keep the riff-raff out. Consider planting citronella, lavender, or marigolds. Not only will your garden look great, but it'll smell amazing too.

Light It Up

Bugs are like moths to a flame, quite literally. Swap out your standard outdoor bulbs for yellow-tinted bug lights. They don’t eliminate bugs, but they’re less attractive to the little flyers.

Professional Help

Sometimes, the situation calls for bringing in the big guns. If you’ve got a serious infestation, don’t hesitate to call a professional. They can tackle the issue safely and effectively.

Remember, you don't have to share your summer with bugs. With a little prep and prevention, you can keep your home insect-free and enjoy the season as you should – in peace and comfort. Here's to a bug-free home!